We offer logical and simple solutions covering market niches for different therapeutic areas.
The company is growing organically with established products, as well as through investments in innovative projects with low development risk and short time to market

We are a pharmaceutical company that wants to improve the quality of human lives and health and we do what we can to produce and refine our products to meet the needs of our consumers
Keyper Pharma
The OTC Expert …
We are experienced work-lovers focused on quality.
OTC product supply
We support health not just by making drugs, but also through research and development the main objective of which is to promote healthy living and the broad concept of prophylactics. Patient health is the core of all our activities and our most important goal. We are “The OTC Expert”.
We offer a wide range of OTC products including Creams, ointments, Enemas, CE marked Eye Drops, Cough Lozenges, Nasal Spray, Enzymes, Effervescent Tablets, Multivitamins, Nutraceuticals etc.
Our products are manufactured at facilities approved by USFDA, EU authorities and WHO GMP. These products comply with the latest cGMP norms and can be easily registered for quick commercialization.
Please get in touch with us at for detailed product list.
In & Out Licensing
Over the years, KeyperPharma has developed a strong network of strategic partners who have introduced our products to patients in new markets across the globe. We continue to seek new collaborations in available markets for all of our products.
We offer new opportunities and tailor-made solutions to our Customer’s interests, we guarantee quality, competitiveness and growth potential.
We also offer technical packages for site transfer to the customer manufacturing facility.
Please contact us if you are interested in any of the available opportunities.
Contract Product Development
Associated with its R&D activities, the company performs activities to develop pharmaceutical formulations, analytic methods and manufacturing processes in an intensive way and applying QbD and PAT concepts, as well as stability and scale transposition studies, allowing the development of medicinal products for a global market.
The R&D team of Keyper is multidisciplinary, has highly specialised knowledge and is in constant training.
The Research and Development department of Keyper performs all the research that enables:
- Development of formulations of all dosage forms (such as oral solids, oral liquids, semi-solids, injectables,and ophthalmic for several therapeutic areas
- Development of techniques to improve the manufacturing process
- Transference of technology and productive scale-up
- Development of methods and analytical validation
- Stability studies
The recognised technical competence in the development of the most varied formulas, based on a maximised use of the available technological means and the efficient installed capacity, makes Keyper an industrial reference player, with a great competitive capacity and adaptability, proven by the several established international contracts and partnerships.
Co-development business model (CDM)
We are expanding our research and development cooperation with external partners from throughout the world in scope of licensing purchase and sale and joint R&D projects.
Our projects are based on own progress and cooperation with other institutions. In this area, we also cooperate with experts in various fields of science as well as with doctors and pharmacists. Before each new product development Keyper undertakes a thorough analysis with respect to the product’s potential, as well as development costs within each relevant market.
Manufacturing & Supply (CMO)
The production lines are composed by state-of-the-art technology and by high levels of automation which comply with the most demanding quality international requirements of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Allowing the maximisation of the efficiency in the processes and ensuring that the manufacturing occurs under a high technical accuracy and in highly competitive conditions, this is a differentiation factor in the pharmaceutical market.
It manufactures medicinal products with own brand and also for other renown international companies.High productive capacity and the possibility of expansion ensure the robustness and flexibility that Our partners seek.
Keyper Pharma dedicates its activity to the development and manufacturing of tablet, capsules, powders, injectables, ophthalmic, liquid and semi-solid pharmaceutical forms.
Our Quality is certified by the accreditation of several competent national and international regulatory authorities (EU, USFDA, MHRA, WHO) being this the first plan and the lever for our referencing and highlight in the global pharmaceutical market.
Regulatory support services (RSS)
At Keyper we know a pharmaceutical company’s focus is on developing the product portfolio and getting products to market. Understanding the complications involved in managing pharmaceutical regulations can be a real challenge, and finding the right partner to alleviate the pressure of satisfying Competent Authorities requirements in helping manage regulatory affairs, is key.
Our regulatory services are offered either standalone or alongside our other services. Through our ever-expanding network of partnerships we are in an ideal position to bring pharmaceutical suppliers, regulatory professionals and Competent Authorities together.
We can help with every stage of a product’s life, to whatever level you need: